Anti-aging at TheLifeCo

Reverse Aging
Increase Longevity
Stay Healthy

Plan Your Anti-Aging Retreat

Aging is Reversible at TheLifeCo

Aging is the physiological process of getting older. Over time, the number and proportions of hormones in the body begin to decrease and tissues start to lose integrity, elasticity and viability
This is where the natural aging process starts.

However, due to the consequences of today’s modern urban lifestyles, our hormones have already started to decline by the time we reach our 30s or 40s. This leads our body to age faster than was usual.

“Anti-aging” is a way to stop this unnatural aging process and fight the changes caused by it. Anti-aging makes it possible to reverse aging effects through improved cellular function.

Personalized Meal Plans

Face & Body Care

Healthy Vegan Kitchen

Spa Services

Beauty Therapies

Is it possible to slow down the aging clock?

Yes. It is possible to slow down aging by lengthening telomeres.

Telomeres are parts of human cells related with cellular aging. When telomeres get shorter, they lose their function and cause cells to age.

TheLifeCo Approach to Anti-Aging

Essentials to improve cellular function are living a toxin-free life and reducing calorie intake. Because when toxins and free radicals are eliminated and calorie intake is reduced, the quality of tissues, organs and skin noticeably improves.

Anti-Aging approach at TheLifeCo consists of a detox or healthy nutrition plan with many natural therapies and treatments to cleanse your body, provide you good nutrition and help to slow down the aging effects caused by metabolic activity.

TheLifeCo offers 4 main ways to facilitate Anti-Aging:

Removing Toxins

One of the main reasons we age quickly is toxin accumulation related to unhealthy lifestyle choices. It is because toxins mainly accumulate in our endocrine organs, thyroid glands, pituitary glands, adrenal glands, testes, ovaries, basically all the parts of our body that produce hormones.

Our programs are designed to help reduce toxin accumulation in your body while changing your unhealthy eating habits. Juicing is one effective way to eliminate toxins. Once we eliminate toxins and reduce edema, your body will start to rejuvenate itself. Additionally, you will have cleaner organs and radiant skin.

Reducing Calorie Intake

The rejuvenating effects of calorie restriction can reverse aging, as a low-calorie diet is a powerful way to fight against free radicals which hasten natural aging by damaging the cells. During a low-calorie diet, your body is able to receive a higher amount of antioxidants and chlorophyll that neutralize free radicals.

Having a nutrient-rich and balanced diet to support hormones is as important as cleansing the body. A balanced low-calorie diet is very beneficial for good hormone levels. Once calorie intake is brought under control, your body can start to rejuvenate itself.

Natural & Anti-Aging Therapies

At TheLifeCo centers, we apply natural therapies designed to slow down the aging process and reverse the aging effects.

Ozone IV treatment is applied for its significant anti-aging effects and to enhance oxygenation of the skin by our medical team.

Colon cleansing helps release accumulated toxins through the colon and Enemas help increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the colon. This way, rejuvenation can happen more easily. Additionally, anti-aging massages, body and skincare sessions can help you have youthful skin by improving circulation.

These therapies will be integrated into your program after the initial consultation with your program coordinator as well as our doctors.

Healing Environment

TheLifeCo centers provide the necessary healing environment during your retreat. All three centers are designed to provide a stress-free, healing experience during your stay.

In these peaceful environments, you will be surrounded by like-minded people enjoying their own journeys and also a capable staff including an experienced medical team.

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Anti-Aging Therapies at TheLifeCo

Medical treatments such as Anti-Aging Protocol, Ozone therapy (I.V.), Lymphatic Drainage, Coffee Enema and many others contribute to the hydration at a cellular level and a reduction in toxicity levels. These treatments are strongly recommended as they enable your body to function more efficiently, resulting in cleansing of the blood and rejuvenating internal organs.

Cleans and protects the organs from different hazards that come up with aging, such as irregular eating habits and intense work pressure, likewise bringing vitality to the whole system, supporting organs to work actively and functionally. This powerful antioxidant protocol helps in DNA reproduction, makes full-body detoxification, increases energy, and slows down aging by providing long-lasting rejuvenation, strength, and youth. Anti-aging protocol naturally reverses the aging effects through Vitamin C and Glutathione support.

Ozone is an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral agent and Ozone Therapy offers an alternative to antibiotics, without the toxic side effects. By increasing the blood oxygen level, oxygenating the tissues in the whole body. Not only does it positively affect the appearance of our skin, but it also helps our body’s healing process. It supports blood and liver detoxification, is anti-aging and boosts the immune system.

A gentle, light touch non-invasive technique to stimulate the proper flow and drainage of our lymphatic system, known as the ‘waste system’. Poor nutrition habits, dehydration, edema, lack of exercise and because of many other different unhealthy habits, toxins, protein wastes get trapped in the lymph system and many health problems start to develop. If you have ever woken up with puffy eyes, sinus congestion and a feeling of overall malaise, you have been personally introduced to your blocked lymphatic system.

Coffee enema aids in the detoxification and rejuvenation of the body. It is applied to the colon via the rectum and from there it reaches the liver, where it increases the production of the antioxidant and anti-aging glutathione. It is especially recommended for those who suffer strong headaches during detox. This treatment improves your mood, makes you more energetic and clears the mind.

Beauty treatments such as Hyaluronic Skin Care, Silicium Skin Care, Venus Body Shaping and many others improve circulation and enable your body to function more efficiently; resulting in cleansing of the blood, rejuvenating the body from the inside out, maintaining a healthy, youthful skin.

The new-generation, anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, and anti-sagging system for those over 40 years of age. This Thalgo system produces a smoothing and filling effect even after the first session.

Hyaluronic Filler Skin Care contains sea acid molecules and hyaluronic helps the skin absorb active ingredients, supports the volume of your skin, and is recommended for wrinkles.

Embodying the technologies which provide a firmer, well-shaped skin and volumetric, circumferential, cellulite reduction on the applied areas. The key to Venus Legacy Technologies is that it stimulates the natural wound-healing functions of the body. The result is a resurfaced skin tissue. Plus, it has a triggering effect on the process of lipolysis within the fat tissues as a natural function.

This treatment provides the body with the necessary natural elements and minerals, allowing them to pass through the skin easily. They regulate blood circulation. The key part of this therapy is the usage of seaweeds and sea water properties, which help in the reduction of cellulite, slimming, detoxifying, regulating blood circulation and digestive system, repairing and bringing beauty to the skin.

What is included in our programs?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Aging depends on many factors such as genetics, lifestyle, eating habits etc. Aging first starts around the ages of 35, and continues faster after the age of 40.

That’s why we recommend our Anti-aging retreat especially to guests over 40 years old.

Anti-aging retreat has the same detox and meal plan options as our other programs. The difference in the Anti-aging retreat comes from the medical and beauty treatments you can include to the detox or healthy nutrition program of your choice. There are various treatments, therapies and sessions especially designed to slow down aging and reverse the aging effects, such as I.V. treatments, Anti-aging protocol with Vitamin C and Glutathione and skin care sessions.

During our skin care sessions, we use well known, world-famous and safe products. Minor reactions can be seen due to different skin types, but our experienced staff will make sure there will be no major allergic reaction during/after any skin care session.

The methods practiced at The LifeCo centers do not include any pharmaceuticals, drugs or excessive physical exercise. It is based on a plant-based meal plan and juicing. You can read about the proven studies regarding this methodology from our chronic disease support page

Professional support is very important for TheLifeCo philosophy. At all of our centers, we have doctors, nurses and certified medical staff in addition to nutritionists and detox consultants. Our programs are tailor made for our guest’s requirements and you will be monitored throughout your program to get the maximum benefit from any of our programs.

You will have a doctor on site during the day to answer your questions. You will also be meeting a lot of other professionals in the fields of physical fitness, breathing therapy, healthy cooking, yoga, and meditation.

TheLifeCo has 2 centers in Europe, namely TheLifeCo Bodrum and TheLifeCo Antalya. We have 1 more center in Thailand, TheLifeCo Phuket. We suggest you take into consideration the travel time required as all of our centers offer the same service at the highest quality. There are direct flight options available from a lot of major cities in Europe and Asia as well as MENA region.

You can apply to any of the centers and our representatives will inform you about other center possibilities as well.

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