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After Detox Diet

Breaking your detox can have more impact on your health than the cleansing diet itself. These guidelines for returning to eating will let your detoxification work at the maximum level.

How to eat after a fast? (after a detox diet)

You should understand that everyone’s body has its own level of health, diet history, tendencies, eating and emotional habits. No one yet knows the entire truth about nutrition. We are all still learning. Listen to your own body. If within 30 minutes after eating you feel tired, you most likely ate the wrong food, or ate too much.

Breaking your fast can have more impact on you and your health than the cleansing diet itself. Your system is in a purified state, treat it gently. These guidelines for returning to eating will let your detoxification work at the maximum level.

  • Morning: raw fruit or vegetable juice – repeat as often as you like, but only when hungry
  • Lunch: salad and/or vegetable juice
  • Dinner: veggie soup or slightly steamed vegetables.
  • Drink plenty of alkaline water
  • DON’T eat processed food for a few days.
  • You may continue vegetable broth as desired
  • Morning: fruit or fruit juice – repeat as often as you like, but only when hungry
  • Lunch: salad* and/or soup
  • Dinner: steamed vegetables with a sauce of your choice, you may add a little steamed brown rice.

*Salad, with cucumber, cabbage, onion, tomato, lettuce, sprouts. For a sauce, you can mix raw apple cider vinegar, olive oil, honey, garlic, basil.

  • Stick with fruit, salads slightly cooked vegetables and plenty of alkaline water and juices.
  • Plenty of raw, uncooked fiber type foods are best.
  • You can start to have breakfast (tomato, cucumber, goat cheese, whole grain bread, etc.) also you are free to use nuts, walnut, cashew, dried fruits etc.
  • Legumes can be added to your diet (peas, all types of beans, chickpea etc.)
  • Whole grain bread, rye and oats are preferred, wholewheat and white bread should be avoided.
  • You can start to consume dairy products and meat and the easiest that can be digested is fish.
  • Step by step you will be on the track of a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Should you be a little constipated we suggest you take either some Flora Grow capsules, psyllium husk with water, cayenne, senna herb laxative tea or a liver flush drink. If that doesn’t work, try another colema. If you want to do your colema at home, buy a travel kit.

Note: Remember: you can consume anything you wish, as long as you manage to keep a balance between nutrition and indulgence! Eating a hamburger should be like going to the movies. It is fun, but it is not food!

After The Detox

After this cleansing, the next step is nutrition, which holds the most important part in recovery. This is most common thing that we do in our daily lives. There are many different approaches about this subject that creates much confusion.

We must learn to have a Balanced Diet to be healthy. Let’s say you had cosmetic surgery; you are in your best condition. Or, you were sick and you recovered. What will you do the next day? WHAT THEN ?!! If you continue your old habits, you will end up with the same bad results! Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

This is like learning a new language. It falls into place over time.

Main Principles to Follow After a Cleanse

We must eat real food not only because of social, taste and emotional reasons, but we must eat with the realization that it is fueling the body. Just as we choose the proper oil and gas for our car and we know if we choose the wrong one it will let us down, likewise, our body do the same.

We should pay attention to what we eat, opting for organic, natural, seasonal, non processed, non GMO, without additives as much as possible.

Our basic nutrition must be based primarily on vegetables, green leafy vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts, spices, herbs, herbal teas and fish instead of meat. Because of the high percentage of chlorophyll content, vegetables, especially dark green leafy vegetables (Swiss chard, spinach, arugula, celery, parsley, etc.), have a very important and central role in terms of increasing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, cleansing and stabilizing blood sugar. They can be consumed raw in salads or in juices.

A raw vegan diet might sound unpleasant and new, but when we cook our food, we are actually killing it. The more raw foods we consume and vibrant foods we can eat, the more vibrant our own energy will be. (Also see Simply Raw and Food Matters documentaries)

Our body needs a certain amount from all of the food groups. Besides, there are 6 criteria that are important:

Quality; The nutritional value of what you eat,

Frequency; bio circadian rhythm of your body…how many time you eat during the day

Quantity; how much you eat,

Timing; what time of the day you eat

Food combination; which food combinations you consume

Health Condition; your current health status

During the day, we should drink water ideally 30 ml per kg. It has both toxin dissolving effects and helps to shed fat, which has a weight loss effect.

We must avoid consuming a combination of carbohydrates with proteins to ease digestion and for easier weight loss.

We should have our dinner early (around 6.00-7.00 pm) and light to ease the digestive system. Lately there is this popular approach called Intermittent Fasting where you eat between 12.00-18.00 when the metabolism is the fastest and fast the rest of the day. That has a great anti-aging and weight loss effect.

Olive oil and Omega oil should be consumed uncooked, because when they are cooked, their molecular structure changes and becomes carcinogenic. Coconut oil can be used for cooking.

As meat and dairy products come from animals raised with antibiotics and growth hormones, we should be careful when consuming such products. We should choose organic ones and we should not consume them too often. (Also see the film Eating) Alternative solutions are: Saltwater fish instead of meat, legumes for protein support, goat milk or almond milk instead of dairy milk. (If you soak almonds in clean water overnight, blend them up with 3 glasses of clean water and then strain, you will have an ambrosia milk that will last for up to 3 days… You must try)

We can fix our carbohydrate needs primarily with brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, wild rice, sweet potato, brown bread.

We can use Himalayan Salt (with 84 raw natural minerals) instead regular table salt and Agave (low glycemic index) for sugar substitute.

When you get hungry during the rush of everyday life, you can consume healthy snacks such as raw and unsalted almond/walnut/hazelnut, preferably soaked overnight, mixed with fresh or dried fruits. You can prepare little plastic bags to carry in your bag, in your car and at your office all day long.

We need to learn to eat according to our hunger-satiation signals. This is explained with the Mindful Eating concept. In fact, mindful eating is our body’s forgotten natural mechanism.

We have “controlled” environments (home, office, car) and “uncontrolled” ones (travel, restaurant, airline, hotel, etc.) in our lives that we can apply all of these things to a degree. While it will be a good solution not to keep unhealthy things in controlled environments, carrying some snacks and selecting the healthiest options in uncontrolled environments is also a good idea. If you want to accomplish you’ll find a way, if you don’t you will find excuses!

How to Indulge after a Detox?

We are all human. Of course, we can sometimes indulge ourselves. However, some precautions can be taken to minimize the damage.

  • The amount of binges may be limited.
  • It can be removed from the body with a liquid fast for the next meal or during the next day.
  • Generally, if these types of binges do not overrun 25% of our entire diet, 75% healthy nutrition will tolerate them.
  • One day a week (Sunday? !) can be declared as a binge day.

These are the principles that must be applied continuously throughout one’s life. This is not a weight loss diet but rules essential to be healthy, energetic and balanced. As soon as you say, “I reached my target, I can stop now”, old diseases will come back together with more force.

Supplements Recommended after a Detox

Probiotics are the good bacteria. Ensuring more powerful intestinal flora, also strengthen our immune system, prevent allergies and stop constipation, gas and bloating. Even makes you happier by producing 80-90% of the endorphine and serotonin hormones. Should be taken 2 tablets everyday.

It is our digestion that creates the utmost aging in the body. The shorter and easier way the body handles digestion, the more fit, energetic and younger it will become. Digestive Enzymes, which make digestion easier and faster also helps to solve problems such as gas and bloating. Can be taken 2 tablets with meals.

Spirulina is the most important source of vegetable protein and vitamin B12. As it balances the blood sugar, it indirectly helps weight- loss as well. It is also a great source of iron, which prevents fatigue. Can be taken 2 tablets before breakfast.

Omega 3-6-9 oils (flaxseed, coconut, evening primrose oil, sunflower seed, etc.) are also indispensable for the body. They are very important for hair, skin, nails, bone health; in terms of prevention of Alzheimer’s, they improve memory; they reduce premenstrual syndrome and reduce depression. Can be used as a dressing for your salads.

The whole point is about learning self management before anything else. Everything happens with time and patience.

If you ask where I can find all these programs and how I can do them, The LifeCo embodies all these programs and serves as a healthy life partner.