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Digestive Wellness (Consultation, Applied Kinesiology)

Digestive Wellness & Consultation

at TheLifeCo Bodrum

“We are not what we eat, we are what we digest.”

Healthy Digestion is something we should learn and practice. Healthy digestion is the “Art of Digestion©”. The digestive tract is designed to digest and absorb all nutrients necessary for the body to work properly and stay healthy. The gut is connected to both the nervous system, immune system and endocrine system. If the digestive tract is not working properly, many organs and systems will be affected.

Digestive Consultation

Digestive Consultation aims to provide the necessary information and practice for anyone who wishes to reduce the inflammatory processes caused by gut dysfunctions and prevent damages induced by them.

Digestive symptoms and conditions addressed are related functional, non-disease digestive conditions like Leaky Gut Syndrome, Food Intolerances, Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS), Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Dysbiosis and/or Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), etc. These conditions manifest common symptoms such as gas, bloating, abdominal discomfort or cramps, diarrhea and/or constipation, nausea and similar.

Many non-digestive conditions like unexplained weight loss or gain, tiredness, lack of energy, depression, headaches, skin flushing or skin irritation may be signs of digestive problems. Primary causes of non-disease functional digestive problems are wrong eating habits, nutritional mistakes, unknown food intolerances and toxic reactions that directly affect digestive functions.

Everyone who wishes to get rid of non-disease digestive symptoms and problems and to rejuvenate their body through the elimination of toxins and nutritional intolerances can benefit from this consultation.

Duration: 1 hour

Price:  140 €

Food Intolerance Test with Applied Kinesiology (AK)

AK-Applied Kinesiology, invented by the American scientist Dr George Goodheart, makes it possible to find out the muscular reactions of the body. By changing the strength of the applied muscles, our body informs us about harmful substances.

Food intolerance test with Applied Kinesiology method is mastered by a trained physician. Foods that cause muscular strength reactions are found out and advised to be avoided. Food intolerances such as gluten, yeast or dairy products are investigated, which cause many unclear problems. If any found, advices and roadmaps are given.

Duration: 1 hour

Price:  120 €

Abdominal Restoration

Abdominal Restoration is a gentle but very effective abdominal manipulation mastered by an expert physician. The delicate manual manipulation helps the intestinal movements and regulates the lymphatic system, the digestive glands, and the abdominal blood flow. Metabolic wastes are more easily emptied from the intestines.

By manually helping the thorax movements, diaphragm position is corrected providing the body with more oxygen and better circulation. The spastic and hypotonic areas and the intestinal movements are regulated for better intestinal functions. This also helps the relaxation and decongestion of the abdominal organs, resulting in a decrease of the waist circumference.

Price:  100 €

Our Offers

Digestive Consultation + Food Intolerance 220 €

Digestive Consultation + Abdominal Restoration 200 €

Digestive Consultation + Food Intolerance + Abdominal Restoration 280 €

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