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How to Lose Weight on a Vegan Diet

Losing excess weight is one of the most important steps to improve health and life. Today, there are various diet plans available to achieve successful weight loss. The vegan diet is one of these effective diet plans and a popular way to lose weight.

The vegan diet cuts out some of the food groups from your daily eating routine. To prevent missing out on nutrients, it is important to know the essentials of a healthy vegan diet. In this article, you will find information that will support your weight loss journey after starting a vegan diet.

vegan diet plans

What is a Vegan Diet

Vegan diet comes from the practice known as Veganism. Veganism is a way of abstaining from all forms of animal exploitation. Therefore, the vegan diet does not include any food with animal-derived ingredients, along with meat or milk.

There are different types of vegan diets preferred based on different goals, like weight loss or muscle gain. The most popular vegan diets include raw-vegan diet, whole-food vegan diet, low-carb vegan diet, and vegan keto diet. 

4 Tips to Lose Weight on a Vegan Diet

fiber rich foods

1. Fiber is the Key to Feel Full

Fiber is one of the best ‘The Appetite Solution’ on a diet. As it digests much slower in the body and stays longer in the stomach, it keeps you feel full for longer. Moreover, fiber helps trigger regular bowel movements, move food through the digestive system, and even remove the waste on your colon.

The good news is that you can easily reach fiber on a vegan diet. Fruits such as apple, bananas, berries and avocado, whole grains such as oat, barley and rye, dark green vegetables, broccoli, green beans, carrot, and sweet potato, along with nuts and seeds contain high amounts of fiber. On the other hand, animal products, including red meat, fish, turkey, chicken, eggs, milk, and cheese, contain zero fiber.

vegan protein

2. Get Your Protein

Inadequate protein intake can cause malnutrition. It can also be a reason you are not losing weight. That’s why make sure you get enough protein on a vegan diet. Foods from animal sources are high in proteins, but they are not the only source of them. Proteins are available in many forms, and plant-based ones can be eaten raw or cooked.

Vegan sources of protein include lentils, chickpeas, beans, oats, quinoa, along with soy-based foods such as tempeh, tofu, and edamame. All of these plant-based proteins can fill you up faster and help you feel full for longer, just like fiber.

Getting enough protein is essential to maintain muscle mass and prevent fatigue, weakness, and lack of concentration on a daily basis. So, learn about your protein needs per day from your doctor and choose a vegan diet that meets your daily protein needs.

dark leafy greens

3. Eat Your Dark Leafy Greens

Dark green vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. Apart from being essential sources of many nutrients, they can help lose weight.

Dark greens are high in fiber and low in calories. They can keep you satiated throughout the day. Their fat burning capabilities make them great vegan food options for weight loss.

They are also rich sources of many nutrients. Leafy greens such as spinach, Swiss chard, kale, and watercress are high in calcium and iron. Brussels sprouts, zucchini, and broccoli are high in dietary fiber. You can easily create low-carb, nutrient-dense, and delicious meals with dark leafy green vegetables and make your vegan diet more fun!

fruit and vegetable juices

4. Be Careful with Juices

Juices form an important part of the vegan diet. Especially for a quick breakfast or lunch, you can create various delicious blends by using fruits and vegetables. However, not every juice will aid in weight loss. Oppositely, some juices may cause you to gain weight.

Freshly squeezed vegetable juices, especially green ones, are not high in sugar and calories at all. But most fruit juices contain as much sugar as fizzy drinks.

Vegetable juices include leafy greens such as parsley, spinach, Swiss chard, kale, and celery stalk can provide proper nutrients to the body. When mixed with lemon and ginger, they aid weight loss more effectively and detoxification of the body.

On the other hand, some fruit juices and plant-based beverages can cause you to drink hundreds of extra calories per day. Especially store-bought juices that contain a lot of calories may put your weight loss process in trouble.

If you would like to support your vegan diet with healthy juices, read the nutrition facts label to avoid drinking high amounts of sugar unknowingly. For example, an orange juice and blueberry acai smoothie contain about 270 to 450 calories per 20 ounces. Prefer dark green, non-starchy vegetables and low-sugar, low-carb fruits in your juices.

Having a balanced vegan diet can help you lose weight. Moreover, while losing weight, doing good for animals, and the environment will make you feel relieved.

Still, if you are going to change your diet into vegan for the first time, it is always good to talk with your doctor and learn about Vegan Food Pyramid to plan a well-balanced diet. You can also try joining a vegan weight loss retreat. Last but not least, don’t forget to stay hydrated.

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