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How to Detox Through the Skin Naturally

The skin has so many functions. Some of these functions are to regulate body temperature, keep the body warm, protect it from environment and elements of nature like cold, heat and rain. But at the same time, the skin has excretory functions. Excretory functions are important for the body to utilise when there are certain types of toxicity that needs to be removed from the body.

Nowadays, a lot of people spend a major part their life without exercise routines. People often chose to live a sedentary lifestyle instead of an active one. Sedentary lifestyle causes people to be indoors all day, sit on their couches, watch TV and do work on the internet. This also means that they are not moving significant parts of their muscles on a regular basis.

Sweating Out Toxins
If our muscles start to move and work less, we sweat less. Sweating is actually one of the most important ways in the body to eliminate toxic substances from within. If you live a sedentary lifestyle and do not move enough, you cannot sweat enough leading to  stress related bladder and bowel issues. Sweating is very important for your body’s natural detoxification process.

The autonomic nervous system of human body works without our conscious effort. This system regulates some body processes, like blood pressure and the rate of breathing. It has two main divisions: Sympathetic nervous system and Parasympathetic nervous system. The human body needs to sweat, urinate and defecate to eliminate toxic substances from the body system. Whenever you are stressed, you notice that you do not feel any urge to go the toilet. This is because your bladder and bowel gets affected by stress, too. The main reason for all of this  is that our sympathetic nervous system is activated. This system is activated when we are stressed, and it is also known as  ‘fight or a flight mode’. But when the sympathetic nervous system is activated, it shuts down the opposite system called the parasympathetic nervous system. Parasympathetic nervous system which is also known as a ‘rest and digest state’, is the system for relaxation.

Sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system are opposites. When the one nervous system’s responses is activated, it shuts off the other one. When you are stressed and activate the sympathetic nervous system shuts down your body’s need to urinate and defecate.

Balancing the Autonomic Nervous System
If you want to detox through your skin naturally, you need to balance your autonomic nervous system. This is the major key for your body to detoxify from inside to outside. Being physically active more and staying away from stress will help in balancing this system.

Physical activities can help you sweat. Being stress free and breathing properly can improve your bladder and bowel functions. If you can simply do brisk walking every single day for half an hour, this will be enough to work your big  muscles and get you sweating.. Alternatively, you can get into a sauna or steam room, just to open the skin pores and eliminate some of the toxins.

Our body needs its natural ways of detoxification. That’s why, we advise you not to underestimate the physiological responses we talked about  in this article! If and when you fail to do certain types of physical activities, this causes more toxins to build up inside the body. And, this can cause a lot of toxicity issues to appear in your life as you become older.

To detox through your skin naturally, join our 3 day detox program.