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Reset and Restart at The LifeCo Phuket (by. Mirey Yuhay)

After working at The LifeCo Bodrum for 12 years now it was time for a change and I went to our  Phuket Center for 2,5 months. Both for work and to do a detox for me a bit too.  I was feeling pretty sluggish lately.  And it was so exciting to have a proper detox again. 10 hours direct flight from İstanbul with Turkish Airlines was so comfortable. 3 movies, a bit of sleep a bit of food and there you are.  A hot weather greets and a smiling face from the center to pick me up.  After 15 minutes we’re there.  The center was so peaceful, quiet and covered with so rich dark green nature like big hug arms wide open.  It was morning so nobody were around.  Came to my room so fresh and colorful.  A smile on my face.  Took a shower, changed clothes and slept a bit.  It was a sweet feeling.

Then came out to juice bar.  There was a food workshop going on where people were learning how to make almond milk, cashew cheese, chia pudding and tasting them too.  Lucky !

Then started to chat with familiar staff.  It was nice to be back again.  I was here 2 years ago for 2 weeks.  Started my green detox with salads where you take 2 salads and 3 green juices and 1 fruit juice a day.

It was 4.00 pm already and there was a tour to Naka Market (I can say like Eminönü in İstanbul for Turkish readers) where you can find anything; shoes, bags, underwear, food, watch, accessories etc. 2,5 hours we were there. It was fun.

2nd day again there was this Old Town market.  Which is mainly based on any kinds of food.  I have chosen to have a frozen coconut drink with coconut milk and coconut meat.  It was sooo delicious.  Rest of the day again green juices and salads of course.

By the way it was a nice feeling to be a detox guest again and not working.  You see things from a different perspective.  You understand more what they need, how they feel and how they see things.  It is good to feel that again so we can serve better in future.  We’re preparing to open a new center in Dubai now ! 🙂

3rd day I started some treatments like sonic bed for example it is my favorite now so it is fully booked and no room for me J You lie down on a bed and it is basically massaging your back with vibration and it opens up the tissues.  It has for modes; relaxation, rejuvenation, metabolism and circulation.  30 minutes everyday.  Especially the metabolism one stimulates the bowel movement instantly. Everyday 1 time.  Can’t do without it ! J

My other favorite is ELT (electro lymphatic therapy).  This machine brought to our Bodrum Center by our founder Mr. Ersin Pamuksüzer for especially cancer patients and with an American lady we had orientation for 2 days.  I remember I was so impressed by the info that our lymphatic system is so important and this machine has 8 times deeper effect than a manual massage.  Since then I haven’t had one session until now.  So the session was amazing.  It has glass parts on 2 electrodes and it almost sweeps away the toxins from your lymphatic system.  It is also a very relaxing session.  Feels so good.  But cannot do everyday. Body needs to process and you need to drink lots of water to take the toxins out from your metabolism. Can be done every 2 days.

And of course I was looking for a treatment that I can recommend to the guests instead of Turkish Bath Scrub and Foam Massage which scrubs off the dead skin so from the open pores you remove more toxins.  I found Body Scrub and it was amazing. OMG it is a very good feeling very relaxing and in the end your skin is like silk. So beautiful.  Should be done in the first 2 days definitely.  Maybe also in the end of the detox before you leave.  Amazing !

After 10 days of green juices and salads I switched to Intermittent Fasting Program which is 800 cal raw food.  You only eat 6 hours between 12:00-06:00 pm when is your metabolism is the fastest and 18 hours fasting on the rest of the day.  So the body finds the time and energy to clean-heal-repair – rejuvenate itself since it is not doing digestion.

And of course I had to do a colon cleansing definitely to feel a real cleansing. This angel of water machines are so practical, hygienic and comfortable.

Swimming in the ocean water is like washing and releasing the negative energy.  Listening monk Tenzin’s talks about compassion, self-love, mindfulness and meditations opens a new perspective in your mind.

Dr. Lodi’s School of Life Talks are phenomenon about food, diabetes, cancer, healthy living.  I felt like I have been a student again J  Some of the lines from him;

ATP is the currency of energy in human

Eat to provide nutrients – humans are overfed and undernourished

What light is ? It is the bridge between the spirit and matter.

Dreams are psychological steam.

Best lunch is a power nap 15-30 min.

Now it has been 21 days.  I feel much lighter, fresh, relaxed, more energy, better mood and ready to rock again ! 🙂

If you just wanna get away from your everyday life and responsibilities, this is the destination you should come for sure.  You won’t regret.  It is absolutely amazing.

Loads of thanks to our founder Mr. Ersin Pamuksüzer for creating such environments for healing.

With love.